Interestingly, we can see the transiting Saturn/Uranus opposition theme played out in the majority of films nominated for various awards this particular film season. The majority of these movies are actually true stories and bring to life the reality of situations which have either brought about change or at the very least highlighted the need for it. Many confront the issues of what is ‘right’ in some form or another and lean towards shaking the shackles of oppression, conformity or dogma and pursue the free movement of people in some way. Many of these films capture passages of ‘time’ and ‘change’ and the pain and miracles associated with them.
Slumdog Millionaire presents us with a very sad situation of deprivation, poverty and enslavement to a system (Saturn) and yet is colourful, optimistic and inspiring (Uranus). In an entertaining and moving way, it opens our eyes to the underdog and reminds us of the social change that is required.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button brings us an odd tale of someone who aged (Saturn) in reverse (Uranus).
Frost/Nixon gives the audience a dialogue of questionable and deeply moral perspectives between a truth seeking journalist (Uranus) and the US President who fell from grace (Saturn). (It is interesting that it is Frost who has the Saturnian name).
Revolutionary Road (great Saturn/Uranus title) is a tale of a couple who are trying to break free (Uranus) from their stifled and mundane suburban lifestyle (Saturn). Milk shows us another example of a revolutionary challenge (Uranus) to the status quo (Saturn), with a large group of people (historically labelled radicals) who struggle and fight to equalise gay and human rights (Uranus).
Changeling (another interesting Uranian title) addresses a woman’s plight to find her son whilst continuously battling against the system (Uranus). The film is laced with sorrow and issues of mortality (Saturn).
The Reader, looks at an intellectual and unconventional relationship (Uranus), which is darkened by the questionably moral and disapproving behaviour surrounding the horror of death experienced in the holocaust (Saturn).
Doubt (Saturnian title) is another morally questionable drama which is weighted upon an unspeakable crime and asks the audience to judge if the priest is actually ‘guilty’ or not. The Saturn/Uranus opposition is clearly reflected in this film, which is laden with suspicion, and the violation of personal freedom on several levels.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Oscar and Golden Globe Season - Wendy Stacey
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Oscars: Winners and Astrology - Glenda Cole

The Academy Awards ceremony began at 20:301 PST 22February 2009 in Hollywood just as Mercury, Jupiter, Moon and Mars were marching through Aquarius,all within 4 degrees of each other.
As was widely predicted and expected. Kate Winslet won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in 'The Reader'. This was Kate's first Oscar despite being nominated 5v times previously. We don't know Kate's birth time for sure but the Internet widely reports 5th October 1975, 07:15am BST, Reading, UK. If this time is correct then that 5th house line-up of planets was trine Kate's Sun, Moon and ascendant, Jupiter was in fact exactly on her Sun and Ascendant, a sure sign of success.
Yet another success is that of Danny Boyle, his film Slumdog Millionaire won no less than 8 Oscars, including Best Director and Best Film. We have no birth time for Danny, though the IMDB website gives his date of birth as 25th October 1956, Manchester, England. Not only is the transiting 5th house conjunct Danny's Mars, it also trines his Mercury. Meanwhile, co-ruler of Aquarius was opposite Boyle's Jupiter, maybe he didn't expect to win quite so many awards.
Sean Penn (17 Aug 1960 15:17, PDT +7:00 Burbank CA, 34°N10', 118°W18'2) won the Award for Best Actor for his role in Milk, and once again we see that Aquarian stellium activating Mercury (opposition) and Mars (trine). No surprises for seeing Mars activated here as the Best Actor Award was probably the most contested, with Mickey Rourke having been widely tipped to receive this Award.
The Glitz and the glamour of the ceremony is over for another year, meanwhile congratulations to all the winners
1Time taken from BBC Website Live Feed
2 Source: astrodatabank
Thursday, February 12, 2009
by Jenni Dean Harte
5 February 2009

You may smile at this headline if you’re a Blues Brothers fan but it’s no joke. Predictably, the current Saturn Uranus opposition (first hit, November 2008 election day in the US) has ignited public demonstrations around the globe.
Today, 5 Feb, during exact opposition, London Black Cab drivers brought central London to a standstill to dramatise their complaints, inconvenient but non violent. From Asia to Europe, from South America to North America and just about everywhere else, civil unrest is growing. Not all share the same issues but the global economic meltdown underlies most of these actions. Lack of food, jobs, fuel and cash, authoritarian heavy-handedness in dealing with local policing matters and the growing fear of imminent change in the way we all do business is triggering a wave of riots that look set to continue well into 2010 and beyond.
There have been other Saturn Uranus periods of upheaval and plenty of riots even when these two planets aren’t in a face-off. But this is a new era and once global communications linked the disaffected in remote locations, no place is shielded from the possibility of civil disobedience. In fact, a Saturn Uranus opposition guarantees exactly that.
Continue reading the rest of Jenni's article on our website...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Bernadette Brady Event Day - by Frances Clynes
If it’s February, it’s time for a Bernadette Brady event day. Have you been to one yet?
The AA in collaboration with local groups, runs three event days each year. Our first was in February 2007 in London, when Bernadette Brady presented a workshop entitled Predictive Astrology, which gave us a taste of medieval astrological techniques. Bernadette played to a full house, with several people flying in from abroad to hear her speak. Throughout the day she used delegates’ own charts to demonstrate the techniques in action. As you might expect this brought the techniques (and the audience) to life.
The day proved so popular that she agreed to come back in 2008 and this time spoke about the technique of Firdaria. Once again delegates from overseas, including me, attended. This time I was lucky enough to have my chart put up. After twenty-one years in astrology, it was refreshing and exciting to once more experience that sense of wonder as the different stages of my life and my experiences of them, were described by this incredibly skilled astrologer. The basic premise of Firdaria is that different stages of your life from birth onwards are ruled by a different planet. How you experience those years, is indicated by the planet’s placement in your horoscope. While naturally you find some easier to deal with than others, knowing how the planet operates for you, gives you pointers as to how best to derive benefit this period.
Once again the audience wanted more, and in what is becoming an annual event, Bernadette will give a workshop in London on February 28th. The venue as before is the Theosophical Society at 50 Gloucester Place (Baker St. tube). This time the title is Houses – Big, Small, Hovels or Mansions? While I don’t know what Bernadette is going to say, the title to me suggests that we may walk away with ideas about how to turn our most difficult house into a mansion.
See you there.
For further details and how to book visit our website.