Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Oscar and Golden Globe Season - Wendy Stacey

movie Interestingly, we can see the transiting Saturn/Uranus opposition theme played out in the majority of films nominated for various awards this particular film season. The majority of these movies are actually true stories and bring to life the reality of situations which have either brought about change or at the very least highlighted the need for it. Many confront the issues of what is ‘right’ in some form or another and lean towards shaking the shackles of oppression, conformity or dogma and pursue the free movement of people in some way. Many of these films capture passages of ‘time’ and ‘change’ and the pain and miracles associated with them.

Slumdog Millionaire presents us with a very sad situation of deprivation, poverty and enslavement to a system (Saturn) and yet is colourful, optimistic and inspiring (Uranus). In an entertaining and moving way, it opens our eyes to the underdog and reminds us of the social change that is required.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button brings us an odd tale of someone who aged (Saturn) in reverse (Uranus).

Frost/Nixon gives the audience a dialogue of questionable and deeply moral perspectives between a truth seeking journalist (Uranus) and the US President who fell from grace (Saturn). (It is interesting that it is Frost who has the Saturnian name).

Revolutionary Road (great Saturn/Uranus title) is a tale of a couple who are trying to break free (Uranus) from their stifled and mundane suburban lifestyle (Saturn). Milk shows us another example of a revolutionary challenge (Uranus) to the status quo (Saturn), with a large group of people (historically labelled radicals) who struggle and fight to equalise gay and human rights (Uranus).

Changeling (another interesting Uranian title) addresses a woman’s plight to find her son whilst continuously battling against the system (Uranus). The film is laced with sorrow and issues of mortality (Saturn).

The Reader, looks at an intellectual and unconventional relationship (Uranus), which is darkened by the questionably moral and disapproving behaviour surrounding the horror of death experienced in the holocaust (Saturn).

Doubt (Saturnian title) is another morally questionable drama which is weighted upon an unspeakable crime and asks the audience to judge if the priest is actually ‘guilty’ or not. The Saturn/Uranus opposition is clearly reflected in this film, which is laden with suspicion, and the violation of personal freedom on several levels.

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  1. Nice post! The fact that Slumdog features a TV programme (WWTBAM) is surely Uranian? And the ongoing storyline featuring the Police, who have the main character confined (Saturn) for much of the film also shows the opposition. I haven't seen any of the other films, but it looks like a bumper crop for good films this year.

  2. Thanks Kitty – didn’t know about the WWTAB so thanks for that.
    Wendy Stacey

  3. Well spotted, I have not seen all the movies yet, but the change themes have also all Piscean connotations, changes and struggles that cause loss, disillusionmnt, unclarity, romance, (self)sacrifice and miracles and Doubt is really about a Virgo-Pisces conflict!

  4. Yes, the Virgo/Pisces theme is there – I think a little of Pluto in Cap as well.
    Wendy Stacey


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